
KCI sponsored the 21st Hongdae Street art exhibition 2013.10.23

The 21th Hongdae Street art exhibition which has experimented the possibility of the public's easy access to the art was held to sheds new light on over the past 20 years with the subject called "F5: Refresh". KCI participates in Hongdae street art exhibition as a sponsor this year, thereby KCI distributes it's excellent quality and good image to professional artists and young students and local residents. Also, KCI promotes his image continuously through contribution to local cultural events. Hongdae area evaluated as a multi-cultural place of music and art, dance, fashion, design, movie and various cultural and artistic activities. This event is for people who feel hard to access the art such as Ordinary citizens and residents so they can meet the art in a daily space 'Street' and by doing so it leads to the enjoyment of new cultural art, and spreads art meaningfully. 

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